April 7, 2008

A bibliography for peace-making

This is a blog to mark and prompt progress toward creating a bibliography on peace-making in the 20th century. So far progress has been a bit slow and has mostly revolved around research. Currently I have read works by Thich Nhat Hanh, and a bunch of articles (currently reading an article on Elise Boulding in preperation of Cultures of Peace). I finally finished Choose Peace which was difficult to get through but was very illuminating on the subject of peace and the differences between personal peacemaking, peace education, and the more academic/research side of peace via dialog between Johan Galtung and Daisaku Ikeda. I am currently reading All Men are Brothers as well which is a much lighter read. Anyway, I figure that my year of traveling will be a good time to get the ball really rolling on this project and this blog will provide impetus. This is a public bolg per chance that someone might comment with suggestions for resources or any other sort of personal experiences to share.

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