"A Simple Path" contains the words of Mother Theresa as well as many other sisters, brothers, fathers, and volunteers regarding prayer, faith, love, service and peace. More than a compilation of platitudes, Mother Teresa with the help of friends gives insight into the simplicity of life in the service of God and humanity. Prayer, faith, service, peace and love are all interconnected, each baring the fruits of another. Acts of love and charity as well as silence in prayer seem to be the foundation for any individual seeking a more holistic personhood, regardless of their faith or lack thereof. Through the words and experiences portrayed in this book, the simple and profound life to be found in loving service to those in need becomes approachable for anyone looking to fulfill themselves beyond the material level.
Missionaries of Charity Fathers
Missionaries of Charity Brothers
Citation Information:
Teresa, Mother (1995). A simple path. New York: Ballantine Books.
See Also:
Egan, E. (1985). Such a vision of the street: Mother Teresa-the spirit and the work. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
Teresa, Mother (1997). Mother Teresa: In my own words. New York: Gramercy Books.
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